In order to block off dates, head to the Availability section of the app and edit your availability
Each event must have at least 1 availability. If I set up my team member, Joe, to run a fitness class, I would set his availability (ie. 9am-10pm) so customers can book with him. I could also create two more events and can assign all 3 events to his one availability.
In this case, if a customer books Joe for 10am-11am for Event 1, then Event 2 & 3 would be unavailable at 10am. We automatically determine when you the team member is available to avoid double / incorrect bookings.
Say you need to be unavailable for the same time every week (ie. Every Wednesday morning). Click on the Availability tab, hover on your event, then click on Manage, and ****on the Weekly Schedule head to the day of week you need to change, edit the timing, and Save.
NOTE: Each schedule must have a start and end time on the 24h clock. ie. 10am - 1pm should be set as 10:00-13:00.
Say you have to be away all day or for part of a day (ie. a doctor's appointment or taking a personal day). Click Edit Availability, scroll to Add Date Overrides and add your date and time. Leave the time blank if you need the whole day off.