What is it?

A way to offer your events with options for in person or virtual


Set up

  1. Ensure your product is set up with variants. This would be adding Options on your product.

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  1. On the Easy Appointments Booking app, create a New Event

  2. Select the product from Step 1

  3. Variants will appear as available for you. Select the variants you want included in your event. Let’s start with in person

    1. Including / checking the “in person” variant would mean that your customer would see the Select a Time button for in person offerings
    2. Enter the Location for the service, since it is in person — for example, your office.
    3. Uncheck the “Virtual” variant

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  4. Publish and Save the event

  5. Create a new event with the same product, but now for the variant “Virtual” checked

    1. Enter a link, like a zoom link for the virtual appointment. If you’re on the Pro plan, you can have it automatically generated via Google Meets

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  6. Click “View in Store” on either of your events

  7. You’ll now see the variant that the customer will select.