Select a Time on product pages

By default, the app works on product pages, as long as there is an “add to cart” button. Create a product, create an event, and that product’s “add to cart” shows as “Select a Time”.

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Select a Time on any page

You can add Easy Appointment Booking on any page if you add the product (which has an event) on that page. In your Shopify theme, go to that page and ****add a section **called "Feature Product" ****on your theme editor.

Once the "featured product" has been added to your page, your Add to Cart button will be changed to say “Select a Time”. Note: you may not see the "Select a Time” button while editing your website. Please check it on your live website and it should appear!

Customizing the text

You can change the text of the button in the Settings > Storefront section. The default is "Select a Time".

Customizing the style

By default, Servicify will try to make the button look like the rest of the buttons on your store. It does this by analyzing your theme's CSS. You can change this by going to Settings > Advanced > Custom CSS Classes and entering in any class names that you want to add for your button.

If you are unfamiliar with editing CSS styles, contact us and we'll be happy to help you out.