Take bookings on a specific date (ie. Jan 3 only, or Jan 3-9)

A) Setting start and end dates

From the Dashboard, click on Manage event, then go to the Customer Booking Options section.


For example, an event that only takes place on Oct 26 at 9AM would appear like so:


B**) Ensuring you only take appointments X days into the future**

From the Dashboard, click on Manage event, then go to the Customer Booking Options section. Select book “until a specific number of days into the future”

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Take bookings on multiple specific dates (ie. Feb 3, March 5, April 7 etc)

A) On your Availability tab, click on Manage B) Go to ‘Add date overrides’ C) Add in your dates and times - these will be the times you will be available D) Click ‘Add Override’. Now your dates and times appear above that text box E) Scroll to the bottom and click ‘Save’

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