Easy Appointment Booking makes sure that no double bookings happen. Here are a few examples of how the app does this.

Automatically removing timeslots when they are booked

Automatically removing timeslots if an availability is shared

Automatically handling multiple availabilities

<aside> ℹ️ Note on multiple availabilities

If you have multiple availabilities -- by default, the customer selects the availability when they make a booking. If you want to automatically assign bookings between all availabilities, you can change this behavior from the Team Member Options setting.



Dealing with High Traffic Scenarios

Easy Appointment Booking has the ability to reduce double bookings automatically even when a lot of customers are trying to book a timeslot at the same time.


When many customers are visiting your site, a common way that double bookings can occur is that 2 customers will add the same timeslot to the cart seconds apart. To prevent this, go to Settings, and check the box beside “Make timeslots temporarily unavailable when a customer selects them”.

When you check this box, Easy Appointment Booking will mark the timeslot as unavailable when the first customer adds it to their cart. However, if they do not checkout in 15 minutes, the booking will be automatically removed from their cart, and the timeslot will be made available again.