What is it?
A way to control your events and schedule based on the variant of a product/service that your customer selects.
- Where your customer wants to select the coach / instructor before selecting a timeslot
- Variant “Coach A” loads Coach A’s schedule. Variant “Coach B” loads Coach B’s schedule
- A service that is an add-on to an existing product (buy an appliance, add installation)
- Variant “Product Only” shows add to cart, “Add Installation” shows select a time
- Where your customer wants to select 1 2 or 3 hour durations for an event
- Variant “1” shows 1-hour appointments, “2” shows 2-hour appointments, etc.
- Where you want to sell a “daytime” and an “evening” service
Set up
- Ensure your product is set up with variants. This would be adding Options on your product.

- On the Easy Appointments Booking app, create a New Event
- Select the product from Step 1
- Variants will appear as available for you. Select the variants you want included in your event.
- Excluding / unchecking the variant would mean that your customer would not see a Select a Time button for this.
- Checking the variant would mean that your customer would see a Select a Time button with this event details